3 Easy Mindfulness Exercises for More Parenting Peace

Posted On Jul 12, 2021 |

Simple mindfulness exercises from the Mindful Attachment Parenting approach that you can easily incorporate into your busy day for more peace.

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness helps you find your balance in motherhood and in life in general.  What is mindfulness? It is the capacity to be fully present with your moment-to-moment experience, as it is unfolding, without your mind trying to make it different. To master mindfulness, we have to learn to become aware of what is present in our consciousness—without judgment. The gift of this practice is that, in time, it will afford you a precious pause.  A conscious space between what is happening in the moment and how you respond to it. This is why mindfulness is the bedrock of the Mindful Attachment Parenting approach.

Building your ability to be mindful

Mindfulness is a muscle that is honed through intention and regular practice. You can think of it like a yoga studio for your mind. It is the training you do to have the capacity to parent from the heart instead of from a place of reactivity and frustration. As a result, you can choose to respond the way you want to rather than being at the mercy of unconscious, “knee-jerk” reactions. Being able to find your inner pause button and witness what is happening, rather than resisting what is. This takes you back to the present moment—and a lot more zen. Once you start practicing mindfulness regularly, you will be amazed by your ability to be present when things get stressful and to respond mindfully.

Try these powerful practices and you will be mastering mindfulness in no time!

Make your mornings mindful: Set an intention to start the day out right by choosing to be aware of your thoughts, feelings, and sensations as you move through your morning routine. As you get ready, notice your state of mind without judgment and move on to the next task. How many colors do you see around you in your home? Notice what breakfast smells like.  And what are you noticing about your children today? This is how you build the muscle of awareness or cultivate what Zen Buddhists refer to as an “inner witness.”

The more you do it, the easier it gets!

This is the foundation of learning to truly be present instead of just going through the motions. Does this feel like too much to manage in the A.M.? Then, start with just one daily activity during which you allow yourself to be aware of every nuance and sensation of the process. Maybe when you shower or when you are eating a meal? Look, listen, feel and notice everything rather than just waiting to check the task off the to-do list. Soon you will automatically be more mindfully present throughout your day.

Take a breather: Some of my clients set notifications on their phones to remember to take deep, belly breaths as mindfulness check-in’s during the day. Sounds too easy? It may be simple but it is a very effective way to signal your body to relax and to help you connect with what it might be trying to tell you. First, inhale deeply through your nose, feeling your belly gently expand, pause and then release the breath slowly through your mouth. The ideal is to take a 10 count belly breath. What do you notice when you take a slow, intentional breath? Notice if your shoulders are tight.  Are you sitting in a comfortable posture or do you need to change your position? Be aware of your thoughts and feelings. How do they affect your breath?

Notice how you feel after taking a 10 count belly breath.

The clients I have who do this practice consistently report that they become aware of their daily mental, emotional and physical “bad habits” and are able to successfully change them to healthier ones. Try aromatherapy.  Essential oils will heal and uplift your mind, body and soul. We use this wonderfully durable aromatherapy diffuser and these premium organic essential oils at home and in the office. It’s such an easy way to shift your whole mood—and day!

Do a daily mindfulness meditation: Developing an ongoing mindfulness meditation practice will give you the most mindfulness bang for your buck. If you only have time for one daily activity, you will benefit the most from meditation. Whether you prefer savasana after yoga, conscious breathwork, or guided meditations to help you find your balance—meditation can have significant benefits on your mental and physical health. In fact, research shows that meditation can improve the symptoms of anxiety, depression, and insomnia, as well as reduce overall stress and blood pressure.

More zen is just an app away!

No time for an online study course or weekly classes? You can try Calm or Headspace, they are apps that make it easier to start meditating today. Truly, meditation is worth the small investment of time. Because it always gives you a greater return by improving the overall quality of your day. And it doesn’t matter how you make it happen—as long as you do it.

Buddhify your brain with a regular mindfulness practice

You can use these 3 easy exercises to master mindfulness like a Zen Mommy boss!  Think about what mindfulness practices you can incorporate into your daily routine right now. 

And sign up for my FREE COURSE 5 Simple Steps to Parent With Less Stress & More Mindfulness to learn other key Zen Mommy MAP strategies!

Categories: : Mindful Attachment Parenting, Self-Care

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