The MAP for Parenting Mindfully and Building a Secure Bond

Posted On May 02, 2021 |

Mindful Attachment Parenting is the best MAP for building a secure bond and finding your mommy zen.

The motherhood struggle is real

Even smart and savvy moms can feel lost sometimes in today’s parenthood landscape. You have probably read lots of books on attachment parenting and have researched all things motherhood. But parenting mindfully can be so much harder than anyone expects. And how do you sort through the endless information and make it work for your own family? Or cope with things like new parenting anxiety, not feeling good enough, mom guilt and mom burnout? The motherhood struggle is real and the Mindful Attachment Parenting approach offers real solutions.

How it all started

I will never forget the first time I facilitated a parenting group! It was for mothers and their infants. I had a heartfelt desire to help and share all my new mindfulness mojo. I eagerly launched into information about being mindful. But I soon noticed that everyone was starting to tune me out and distractedly glance around the room. A nervous-looking mother taking notes with her baby snugly resting in a wrap against her asked: “When are you going to just give us the answers about how to parent the right way?” My own anxiety as a new therapist was in my face! I realized I was too much in my head. When we get preoccupied with doing what we think we should be doing as parents, rather than really being present, we get lost. Therefore, we’re just going through the motions rather than remaining present and connected.

Turning bumps in the road into teachable moments

The truth is teachable moments lead to breakthroughs. These are real opportunities to model gracefulness under fire. I apologized to the audience and used some of the teachings that would one day become part of the Zen Mommy MAP method to ground myself. Not attending to the group’s emotional vibe before delivering the lecture portion didn’t work; I had to normalize parenting anxiety and help them to feel seen and heard. And holding them and myself in compassion was the inroad. This is how we turn bumps in the road into teachable moments on the parenting journey too.

Mindful Attachment Parenting is all about connection not perfection

Humbled and inspired by my own journey of parenting, I have experienced that this road can lead to many teachable moments, joy, and wonderment. I have also seen that it sometimes leads to stressful situations and challenges—big and small. When this happens, mindfulness is essential to finding balance, a sense of humor, and compassion for ourselves and others. But no matter where the road leads us—moment to moment—I have discovered that the best MAP takes us to a place of greater connection with ourselves, our families, and the essence of life all around us. I have helped numerous families to manifest their natural living, mental wellness, and family goals. Seeing them achieve success is the greatest reward, and the various communications I regularly receive about client “wins,” family health and harmony, and expressions of gratitude keep me going.

Mindful vs Mind-FULL

Because it is incredibly common to have a “mind-FULL” of thoughts, worries, and fears. However, it only takes a moment to choose to become “mindful” instead. First, you can do this by slowing things down, pausing, and becoming present. Second, you can become aware of the space around you that energetically connects us all in relationships (what we call the holding environment). Then you can reflect on “the elephant in the room” and reconnect by acknowledging it. This is one of the many features of the Zen Mommy MAP process. And it also includes many mindfulness exercises that support you in being able to stay present to parent with a lot more grace and ease.

Many years later...the Zen Mommy MAP is born

Now with over a decade of work as a practicing psychotherapist and Zen Mommy, I embody a lot more calm and confidence because I have learned how to apply mindfulness to parenting. Throughout all those years of working with parents individually and in groups, I noticed that parenting anxiety was a major theme. And when I was a new mom who was learning how to use the principles of Attachment Parenting, I was profoundly aware of how overwhelming it can be to figure out what works best for your own family’s circumstances. 

In addition, I realized how much we all need support because many of our mothers and grandmothers did not use or understand this bonding approach. It became my mission to create a method that addresses it mindfully and effectively. As a result, the Zen Mommy MAP was born!

Make parenting mindfully your new mommy superpower!

You can learn the secrets of tapping into your inner Zen Mommy too. Because Mindful Attachment Parenting is your MAP for knowing when to use what to raise securely attached and resilient children. In fact, this approach is like a parenting GPS that guides you every step of the way. Instead of reacting on autopilot to any mama drama that arises, you learn simple steps to manage your child’s emotions and your own. And this approach is packed with all the tips, tricks, & techniques you need to make parenting mindfully your new mommy superpower!

Break the cycle of reactive parenting and harmful generational patterns

As a result of using the Zen mommy MAP— you will be able to rewire your brain, increase reflective capacity, and break the cycle of reactive parenting for generations to come. Because the MAP teaches you the how-to for staying mindfully connected to yourself and your children. 

And it bridges the gap between attachment theory and attachment parenting so you can skillfully apply mindfulness to parenting—to have a family that thrives and to leave a legacy of loving-kindness. 

Also, it features a groundbreaking Child Development and Chakra Formation Guide to support optimal growth on all levels of consciousness. 

The ultimate parenting MAP for building a secure bond and finding your Zen Mommy place

The Mindful Attachment Parenting approach is built upon evidence-based models and information to ensure a secure bond. Because all of the tools of the Zen Mommy MAP are designed to help you stay present and sensitively responsive to your child’s needs and cues for comfort. And that is the scientific key to building the most secure attachment possible. It is not about doing it one right way—but rather it is about how you stay connected to your child while doing whatever you are doing. The MAP will show you how to do all of this and more. In fact, you can become like a zen treasure hunter, seeking the inner and outer resources to find your own parenting heartland. Through this process, you will discover what works best for you. With this in mind, I will be your travel guide and help you find and strengthen the pathways to connect to those resources and to mindfully solve your parenting problems.

Your Village of Like-Minded Mamas Has Arrived!

This is what the Zen Mommy MAP community is all about: guidance, tools, practices, books, and courses to help you along the way. I also offer one on one coaching on the Mindful Attachment Parenting approach so that you can easily integrate it into your own parenting—and become a living, breathing Zen Mommy. 

You can also join our virtual village of like-minded conscious mamas and receive the support, inspiration, and information you need to rock parenting mindfully and living more naturally. 

I would be honored to show you how mindfully treating the whole picture of health gets you and your family the best results. Because I have done it myself and have successfully taught parents all over the world how to do it.

Sign up for my FREE COURSE 5 Simple Steps to Parent With Less Stress & More Mindfulness to learn other key Zen Mommy MAP strategies!

Categories: Holistic Psychology, Mindful Attachment Parenting

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